Saturday, 19 September 2009


Well more like tiny shafts of light shining into this dank and dark pit of life. It's true that I still don't have a job, and my application to work in the Northumbria University library was unsuccessful. I am still undeniably very much on the poor side so I haven't bought any new clothes in about two months or had a haircut since March. My only source of relief from this pretty dull existence is my friends (what a bunch of nice people, putting up with me all the time), some choice cuts of television joy, the library and Sky Movies.

My weeks have consisted of sit, eat, sleep, sit, eat, quiz, sleep, sit, eat, quiz, sleep, sit, eat, work, sit, sleep............... I think you get the picture from that small example.

But some joy is starting to emerge from my stale existence. I have learned a couple of my friends from university are in fact staying 'oop North' despite the shitty job prospects for graduates, meaning i have more people to bum around with when other mates are at work. A few friends who I lost touch with after the end of high school have got back in touch, cueing some weird and wonderful meetings and discussions about life in general not to mention the juicy gossip that is being swapped between us all. It has been a very pleasent experience to see how old friends have grown and changed for the better.

On a more shallow footing, House is back for a new series which means for the next six months my Sky+ will be busy busy recording every episode. And here is me hoping that it will be better than series 5, which was a bit too morbid and depressing for my liking, and the show will gain back some of it's snarky joy that was in the earlier series.

But I am sitting and smirking for once instead of bemoaning everything around me, from the shitty cup coasters to the semi-nude gardening neighbour. Good times.

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